Do you wonder how to lead a grandchild to Christ? Here you’ll see how you can naturally introduce your grandchild to Jesus.
You may not know what to say or do to lead a grandchild to Christ. You may not want to step on any toes. But you would like to see your grandchild grow up with a faith in God that will guide her through life. You want to do all you can to help your grandchildren know Jesus personally.
Susan’s Story of Leading her Granddaughter to Christ
This is the story of Susan gently building into the spiritual life of her step-granddaughter, Reagan.
It’s a beautiful story of being intentional and thoughtful, and seeing her granddaughter blossom into her own faith and relationship with Jesus.
Reagan got baptized last summer at the Beach Baptism and now she brings her friends to Susan’s house for after-school popsicles and fresh-picked fruit and chatting around the kitchen table.
Would you like to see that in your grandchildren, too?
Yes, please!
It’s a Deuteronomy 6 story. Susan did what Moses told the Israelites to do with their children… and dare we stretch it, with our grandchildren…
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. ~ Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Jewish people take these verses so seriously that they actually screw them on the door frames of their houses and hotel rooms. It’s called a mezuzah.
It’s a constant reminder to live by Scripture – and to talk about it with your family.
How? Just a few minutes at a time.
How to Lead a Grandchild to Christ
1. Talk about spiritual things in your daily conversations.
- Ask them what they think about something, listen well, and mention a Bible verse or story that fits.
- Ask them what their plans are for the weekend. Church on Sunday?
- At the holidays, tell them why we celebrate Christmas and Easter.
- Pray with them about a problem they face.
- Tell them a story about a challenge you faced and what you learned or how God helped you.
- Tell them about something cool you learned in the Bible that morning.
It’s little steps… every chance you get. Showing your faith, opening the Bible, and praying over life’s everyday concerns.
2. Watch for a moment of decision to follow Jesus.
You may have the privilege of praying with your grandchild in a moment of decision to follow Jesus. Or her decision may come with her parents, or at church or camp.
Before that decision comes an understanding of the Gospel: why Christ died on the cross for us, how we receive his forgiveness, and the place he has as Lord of our lives. That understanding will probably come slowly over time, and then in one clear conversation.
It’s good for us to know the moment when we stepped across the line of faith, the time when we gave our lives to Jesus. A simple prayer usually marks that moment.
Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’ve done things that are wrong and that separates me from God who is holy and just. Thank you for dying on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Thank you for forgiving me. I receive your forgiveness. Please come into my life and be the leader of my life for the rest of my life. Amen.
When your grandchild makes that decision, help him to remember the date and celebrate it, like the angels in heaven rejoice.
3. Nurture the growing faith in your grandchild.
To recap how to lead a grandchild to Christ:
1. Talk about spiritual things in your daily conversations.
2. Watch for a moment of decision to follow Jesus.
3. Nurture the growing faith in your grandchild.
Let’s Pray
Lord Jesus, will you bring my grandchildren to yourself. I long for them to know you and live for you. Will you show me how to talk about you with them and will you show them your great love for them. Help them to have that moment when they choose to follow you, and to grow into a vibrant, dynamic faith that will guide them throughout their lives. I claim them for you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.